
The Third Level by Jack Finney

The Third Level  By Jack Finney   Reading with Insight  1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why? Ans:- Yes it is a medium of escape because his psychiatrist friend too discovers the third level. The author talks about three levels. The first level the ground level,  but in fact it is the present. The elevated level, the future and the third level the underground level which is past. Almost everybody in this world is insecure, worried and depressed so he tries to escape into Past or Future and discovers second or third level. 2. What do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley?  Ans. Sam’s letter to reassures Charlie that the third level exists. It means that Sam who is a psychiatrist too escapes into the third level, the Past. 3. ‘The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress.’ What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?  Ans. The ways to overcome insecurity fear, war, worry and...

Words Often Confused and Misused.

  Words Often Confused and Misused English is a beautifully complex language. Its vocabulary is full of complexities, irregularities and unpredictability of pronunciation. Some words look similar but they may be different words. Such words are often confused and misused. You can see such words below and take note of them Accept and except  "Accept" is about receiving or agreeing to something, while "except" is used to indicate exclusion or difference. e.g. She accepted the job offer without hesitation.  Everyone is going to the party except Tom. Advice  and advise "Advice" is a noun while "advise" is a verb.  It means giving suggestion. e.g.  You don’t follow my advice and you will suffer.   The doctor advised him to eat fruits. Aid and Aide "Aid" refers to the assistance or support itself, while "aide" refers to the person providing assistance or support. e.g. The Red Cross provided aid to the victims of the natural disast...

News Report and Features of a Good News Report

News Report Features of a Good News Report A news report is a factual and concise account of an event or occurrence. There are several media outlets through which the information is disseminated, such as newspapers, television, radio, and online platforms. News reports aim to provide the audience with an objective and balanced account of an event, allowing readers or viewers to stay informed and form their own opinion about an event. The Essentials of a Good News Report The essentials of a good news report include: Accuracy The information presented in a news report must be factual and verified. Journalists and reporters should ensure that the information is accurate, correct and verified. In no case, should it lead to rumors. Objectivity A good reporter / journalist avoids subjectivity in the delivery of news stories. A Journalist emphasizes on objectivity and presents the facts in a neutral and impartial manner, allowing the audience to form their own opinions. A smart journalist int...