Words Often Confused and Misused.

Words Often Confused and Misused English is a beautifully complex language. Its vocabulary is full of complexities, irregularities and unpredictability of pronunciation. Some words look similar but they may be different words. Such words are often confused and misused. You can see such words below and take note of them Accept and except "Accept" is about receiving or agreeing to something, while "except" is used to indicate exclusion or difference. e.g. She accepted the job offer without hesitation. Everyone is going to the party except Tom. Advice and advise "Advice" is a noun while "advise" is a verb. It means giving suggestion. e.g. You don’t follow my advice and you will suffer. The doctor advised him to eat fruits. Aid and Aide "Aid" refers to the assistance or support itself, while "aide" refers to the person providing assistance or support. e.g. The Red Cross provided aid to the victims of the natural disast...