
IPA for British English

  IPA  International Phonetic  Alphabet IPA stands both for International Phonetic Alphabet and International Phonetic Association. International Phonetic Alphabet was devised by International Phonetic Association in the late 19 th century for the representation of speech sound in written form. It has several symbols for different languages of the world. Almost all the languages of the world can be transcribed in a written form with the help of IPA. Phonetic Symbols of British English British English has the following 44 symbols. Seven Short Vowels •     ɪ as in – bit, sit, kit •     ɛ as in – bet, set, let •     æ as in – bat, cat, rat •     ʌ as in – but, cut, shut •     ɒ as in – hot, pot, shot •     ə as in -another, alone, mother •     ʊ as in – put, good, should Five Long Vowels •     iː as in - bee, tea, see •  ...

Soft Skills

Soft Skills In simple words, it can be said that soft skills are nontechnical skills which relate to how you interact with other people in the workplace and in the society and how it translates into your success at the workplace or how you lead people to success.  For a definition, it can be said that soft skills refer to a set of personal attributes and social abilities that are essential for effective communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership. Unlike hard skills that are specific to a particular job or industry, soft skills are transferable and can be applied in various contexts, such as the workplace, community, and personal relationships. Customer is the king because it is the customer who gives the business. A company gets business from customer satisfaction and popularity of its products. In the fast paced and interconnected world, business success can be achieved through teamwork only. That is why soft skills become the most desirable qualities in the pre...

Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture by Jerome K. Jerome

  Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture You never saw such a commotion up and down a house, in all your life, as when my Uncle Podger undertook to do a job. A picture would have come home from the frame-maker's, and be standing in the dining-room, waiting to be put up; and Aunt Podger would ask what was to be done with it, and Uncle Podger would say: "Oh, you leave that to me. Don't you, any of you, worry yourselves about that. I'll do all that." And then he would take off his coat, and begin. He would send the girl out for sixpenny worth of nails, and then one of the boys after her to tell her what size to get; and, from that, he would gradually work down, and start the whole house. "Now you go and get me my hammer, Will," he would shout; "and you bring me the rule, Tom; and I shall want the step-ladder, and I had better have a kitchen-chair, too; and, Jim! You run round to Mr. Goggles, and tell him, 'Pa's kind regards, and hopes his leg's...

Language Lab (Introduction to Phonetics)

  Language Lab for B.Tech. First Year Introduction to Phonetics Our Speech Organs Our speech organs consists of  the lungs, trachea (windpipe), larynx (organ of voice production), pharyngeal cavity (throat), oral or vocal cavity (mouth), and nasal cavity (nose) as shown in the figure below:- Speech Organs and their Mechanism All the above speech organs may be divided into three categories: - Respiratory Organs. Phonatory Organs Articulatory Organs Respiratory Organs. The lungs, the rib cage, the chest muscles and the wind pipe are termed as the Respiratory Organs. The chest muscles of the chest with the help of rib cage apply pressure on the lung bladders which generate an air stream which travels through the wind pipe. Phonatory Organs The air stream generated by the lungs passes through larynx the seat of vocal chords which start vibrating and producing sound. Articulatory Organs The organs lying above the larynx are termed as articulatory organ...