
RGPV BTech First Year English Important Questions

    Important Questions English for Communication  Expected Questions for English for Communication-  BT 103 Please note that these are most important questions from questions that are asked in every semester. If you prepare the answers of these questions, you can be rest assured that you will possibly solve 75 percent paper. 1. Write the technical description of the following: - personal computer, mobile phone, refrigerator,  pen, air cooler, electric iron, washing machine, food processor, ATM, calculator and Lathe Machine. 2. Write an application letter for job. 3.What guidelines would you prescribe for writing a good résumé?  4. Write a letter inviting quotation. 5. Write a letter sending quotation. 6. Write a letter placing the order. 7. Write a letter of complaint. 8. Write the structure and lay out of a business letter. 9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing E-mail? Highlight writing techniques required to draft a professional E-mail...

Formats of Report and Essential features of a Report (Unit four)

  Formats of Report All routine reports have a fixed format. Therefore you must present them in the format that is conventional in your organization. However on demand report has three formats in which it may be presented. They are as mentioned below:- 1. Memo format  A memo or interoffice memorandum is a small traditional letter like format that is used for internal communication in an organization. (To know the details, go to Letter Writing section of this book) This memo can be used for presenting a report but you must know that your report must be small and your recipient is locally placed. 2. Letter format  You can present your report in a letter also but your report is only one or two pages long and your recipient is not locally placed. He is at a remote location and he wants you to send him report in a letter. 3. Manuscript format  A manuscript report is a full report presented in a book for format having all 19 elements that have already been discussed. Such ...

Prefixes and Suffixes (Unit two)

Affixes Prefixes and Suffixes Affixes are the stems that are used either before or after a root word to change the meaning of a word e.g. un+ happy= unhappy and move+ment = movement Prefixes and Suffixes A prefix is a stem that is used before a root word that changes its meaning e.g. dis+honest= dishonest A suffix is a stem that is used at the end of a root word that changes its meaning. e.g. happy+ness= happiness Prefixes Negative prefixes (Making Opposite Words/Antonyms In   Insufficient, insane, invalid, inappropriate Un   Unemployment, unproductive, unadvisable, unhappiness im   impolite, improper, imperfect, impious ir   irregular, irrational, irretrievable, irrevocable anti   antinational, anticlockwise, antidote, antisocial, antiseptic, antibody dis   disable, disagree, disappear, disappoint, dislike, de   debug, defog, deselect, decode, detoxify mis   Misbehave, miscalculate, misfortune, misfit, misspell, misunderstand, mislead, misinform...