
Communication ( Unit three)

  Unit 3 Communication What is communication? Communication involves the transmission of information from one person to another. Alternatively, we may call it the process of sharing information between two or more people. Linguistic Analysis of the Word "Communication" The word "communication" has been taken from Latin Words "Communicat" and "Communicare" which mean share information / intelligence and from another word "communis" which means "common." Definition of Communication Communication has been defined in many ways. Let us examine some definitions. They are as follows:- According to Newman and Summer, “It is an exchange of ideas, facts, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.” According to Glenn & Smith, “Communication is a dynamic process that individuals use to exchange ideas, relate experiences, and share desires through speaking, writing, gestures or sign language”. According to Allen Louis "Com...

The Axe by R K Narayan

  The Axe  by  R.K. Narayan An astrologer passing through the village foretold that Velan would live in a three-storeyed house surrounded by many acres of garden. At this everybody gathered round young Velan and made fun of him. For Koppal did not have a more ragged and godforsaken family than Velan’s. His father had mortgaged every bit of property he had, and worked, with his whole family, on other people’s lands in return for a few annas a week . . . A three-storeyed house for Velan indeed! . . . But the scoffers would have congratulated the astrologer if they had seen Velan about thirty or forty years later. He became the sole occupant of Kumar Baugh—that palatial house on the outskirts of Malgudi town. When he was eighteen Velan left home. His father slapped his face one day for coming late with the midday-meal, and he did that in the presence of others in the field. Velan put down the basket, glared at his father and left the place. He just walked out of the vill...

National Education by M K Gandhi

  National Education - M.K. Gandhi (Published in Young India, 01/09/1921) So many strange things have been said about my views on national education, that it would perhaps not be out of place to formulate them before the public. In my opinion the existing system of education is defective, apart from its association with an utterly unjust Government, in three most important matters:   (1) It is based upon foreign culture to the almost entire exclusion of indigenous culture. (2) It ignores the culture of the heart and the hand, and confines itself simply to the head. (3) Real education is impossible through a foreign medium. Let us examine the three defects. Almost from the commencement, the text-books deal, not with things the boys and the girls have always to deal with in their homes, but things to which they are perfect strangers. It is not through the text-books, that a lad learns what is right and what is wrong in the home life. He is never taught to have a...