Barriers to Communication (Unit three)

Barriers to Communication Communication is successful when it reaches the receiver and he is able to interpret it in the same meaning in which the sender wants him to. However, there are many barriers, which become obstacle on its way and block the process.These barriers may be divided into three categories:- 1. Physical Barriers 2. Psychological Barriers 3. Linguistic Barriers 1. Physical Barriers Physical barriers belong to the hindrances, which lay beyond the mind of the sender or the receiver. They may be physical defects of our body or may exist in the out side environment e.g. noise, physical defect, fatigue, illness, time, distance, age, sex etc. Noise. It is evidently the biggest physical barrier to communication. If there is too much noise in the atmosphere, we must make arrangements to zero the noise for proper communication. Physical Defect. A person may be deaf or may ...