RGPV BTech First Year English Important Questions

Important Questions English for Communication Expected Questions for English for Communication- BT 103 Please note that these are most important questions from questions that are asked in every semester. If you prepare the answers of these questions, you can be rest assured that you will possibly solve 75 percent paper. 1. Write the technical description of the following: - personal computer, mobile phone, refrigerator, pen, air cooler, electric iron, washing machine, food processor, ATM, calculator and Lathe Machine. 2. Write an application letter for job. 3.What guidelines would you prescribe for writing a good résumé? 4. Write a letter inviting quotation. 5. Write a letter sending quotation. 6. Write a letter placing the order. 7. Write a letter of complaint. 8. Write the structure and lay out of a business letter. 9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing E-mail? Highlight writing techniques required to draft a professional E-mail...