Prefixes and Suffixes (Unit two)

Affixes Prefixes and Suffixes Affixes are the stems that are used either before or after a root word to change the meaning of a word e.g. un+ happy= unhappy and move+ment = movement Prefixes and Suffixes A prefix is a stem that is used before a root word that changes its meaning e.g. dis+honest= dishonest A suffix is a stem that is used at the end of a root word that changes its meaning. e.g. happy+ness= happiness Prefixes Negative prefixes (Making Opposite Words/Antonyms In Insufficient, insane, invalid, inappropriate Un Unemployment, unproductive, unadvisable, unhappiness im impolite, improper, imperfect, impious ir irregular, irrational, irretrievable, irrevocable anti antinational, anticlockwise, antidote, antisocial, antiseptic, antibody dis disable, disagree, disappear, disappoint, dislike, de debug, defog, deselect, decode, detoxify mis Misbehave, miscalculate, misfortune, misfit, misspell, misunderstand, mislead, misinform...