Email how to write it. (Unit five )

Email, how to write it.

 Q. What is an email and what are the reasons behind its popularity?

Email (reasons behind the popularity)
Electronic mail popularly known as email and which came into existence in late twenties have clearly outperformed letter writing in almost every field. Now it is impossible to imagine correspondence without emails. These are some valid reasons behind the popularity of email:-
1. Emails are fast, cheap and easy to operate: - Emails are easy, prompt and fast to use. An email practically takes no time to reach the destination. Besides this you can attach a huge data and many files with your email which will cost you almost nothing. 
2. Emails capture the spirit of the age: - Science and technology have contributed the speed and sophistication to our lives and emails are very much befitting to the spirit of science and technology. There are different types of technologies to take care of different aspects of our life. So is the email to take care of our correspondence.
3. Emails offer flexibility in tone and style:- Science and technology have made people impatient not only regarding getting their message but in composing their message also. We get our message fast and we adopt to various short cuts while composing our messages specially the ones which are informal. Emails do many things automatically which set our tone and style and which a letter can never do. 
4. Emails have become legal and valid:- Though starting informally, emails are regarded as valid and tenable proof to some one’s claims legally. After all it is a written message which cannot be altered or denied. Besides this, the technology can also inform us whether the message has been delivered and whether it has been attended or not.

Drawbacks of Email

Although there are several advantages from email, we must not forget that it has several drawbacks also associated with it e.g. 

Your Emails are not Secure and Private: -If you think that emails are private and secure, think again. They are not so. They are sent through an internet facility; a system administrator can sneak into your emails because they are very prone to hacking. Don’t take them to be private and personal.

People take Emails Very Casually: -Due to enormous popularity and its availability on cell phones, emails by their nature breed informality and casualness, besides this, there is no universally acceptable methodology of writing emails. The result is that people are writing in the manner they like and blurring the line between formality and informality which is not good.

Using shortcuts and Casual Language Arbitrarily: - People tend to use short forms of words arbitrarily. Sometimes this casualness makes the message difficult to understand or it may be ambiguous. People may not mind it in the informal communication but for formal communication, we must make our message clear and meaningful. People have become habitual of writing shortcuts. For informal emails it may be right but for formal writings it is not advisable.

Unsolicited Messages and spams: -Emails have become so numerous and frequent that people are fed up with unsolicited emails and spams that crowd the inbox of their email account and people start rejecting them and sometimes they miss an important email. 

How to Write a Formal Email

Writing emails may be fun if you are writing an informal email because you get a lot of freedom here. But emails are now being used for formal communication since there are several apps that are used for informal chitchat. Thus we must take them seriously be careful in writing formal emails. The following guiding principles may help: -

Don’t be Casual and Hasty: -Don’t be in a haste to write everything in short like informal email or messaging. Your message may be too short and lack clarity. While writing a formal email, be clear with all the necessary details.

Don’t forget to use the subject line: - Formal emails must include a subject line. Emails do provide this facility therefore we must use it effectively. 

Don’t Forget Courtesy: -Courtesy is like oil which removes friction. It fills energy in our relationship that is why it is an important element of formal letters and informal letters too. Remember that writing an email without courtesy may be rude. Use salutation and complimentary close like the ones used in business letters. 

Using all Capitals is a Bad Habit: - Sometimes people don’t care that they are writing in all capitals. It is not a good habit. It will actually mar the beauty of your message.

Avoid Acronyms: - Since people habitually use short cuts in emails; they resort to self-made acronyms which may make your formal writing unintelligible and annoying. Therefore, acronyms are to be avoided.  

Don’t use Emoticons and Smileys: - Formal communication does not require emoticons or smileys. They should be avoided in business communication.

Mind the Grammar and Punctuation of Writings: - Formal communication is not casual writing therefore it must have correct grammar and proper punctuation marks. Even in, informal writings correct grammar and punctuation make your language clear and understandable.

Identify yourself properly: - Don’t use abbreviations to identify yourself. Write clearly who you are along with disclosing your designation.


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B Tech First Year English - Unit Five - Letter Writing Business Correspondence



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