Classification / Kinds of Communication (Unit three)


Human Communication and Its Forms

Classification of Communication

1.           Verbal Communication
    2.           Nonverbal Communication 


1. Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication is the speech sounds that we produce to communicate with others. It involves an informative language. It has words / sentences as its components and mostly a well-developed language.

Verbal Communication too has two forms.

    1.   Oral Communication
2.   Written Communication

1. Oral Communication

Face to face, communication is termed as Oral Communication. Most of our communication takes place in the oral form only. It involves conversation, public speech, lecturing, interview, debate, group discussion and oral presentation.

2. Written Communication

Written communication is the form of language that represents the oral language using written linguistic symbols. Thus written form provides another method of communication through writing also. The written form can be converted into oral form any time we like. 

Importance of Oral Communication

Language is primarily vocal not written. The development of language took place in the oral form only. Written form of the communication was a later invention. Thus oral communication is primary and most popular form of communication. A person with strong oral communication skills gets respect in the society and in the organization where he works. He is given greater responsibilities and rises to the top position. Almost all the great men and leaders of the world were great orators.  

Advantages of Written Communication over Oral Communication

Although oral communication is the best form of communication, yet written communication has some advantages over oral communication. One of the advantages of written communication is that it provides documental proof of the communication that can not be denied and it can be used later for any sort of purpose like documental evidence or reuse, while on the other hand oral communication is ephemeral and can not be used as a proof unless tape recorded. Besides this, another advantage is that written communication provides facility of editing the message at ease and make as many improvements as we like before sending it. The third advantage is that written communication provides the facility of storing the information in the form of books for later use. The whole of our education system has depended upon books. We owe a lot to our books for scientific and technological development of the present world. 

Nonverbal Communication and Its Kinds

Nonverbal Communication

It is a set of nonverbal signals which our body exhibits during communication especially face to face communication with someone.The examples of these signals are nodding, shaking our heads, shrugging our shoulders, body gestures and posture.They are indicative of our mental status and attitude. When we speak, we not only speak verbally, but our whole body speaks. Our body language also communicates. Nonverbal communication does not have its independent existence but it is rather supportive to verbal communication. It consists of the following six elements. :- 

    1.   Kinesics
2.   Paralanguage
3.   Proxemics
4.   Haptics
5.   Chronemics
6.   Artifacts

1. Kinesics

Kinesics is the set of body language signals which our body exhibits when we resort to oral communication. It includes our gestures, posture, eye contact, facial expression and body movements.

2. Paralanguage

Paralanguage is the nature / tone of our vocal cards along with our overall physical impression which sounds identical and individual. The tone of our voice changes with our mental status and our attitude. This is what is known as paralanguage.

3. Proxemics

The distance maintained by the sender and the receiver between them while having communication is known as the proxemity or the proxemics of communication. This distance too affects the quality of communication. There are four ranges of this proxemity.

1.   Intimate and most intimate (Very close almost no distance between the receiver and the sender)

2.   Personal ( a little distance)

3.   Formal / Social ( Some distance, more than intimate and less than formal)

4.   Public ( Maximum required distance)

4. Haptics

Physical contact too is sometimes used for communication. We push, pinch, shake hands, lull, and touch to bless etc. A mother kiss, hugs her child to express her love for the child. Thus communication by physical contact is known as haptics.

5. Chronemics

The proper application of time dimension in communication is known as chronemics of communication. If you delay in applying a job opening / position, your application may be rejected because the last date is expired or the receiver does not want any more responses. Delay in submitting response to a communication may produce negative results. Every communication requires timely response otherwise it may be zero or negative. 

6.  Artifacts

The surroundings in which the communication takes place is known as artifacts of communication. The dramatic performance requires a gorgeous stage. Thus surroundings too affect the quality of communication.

Relation between Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Verbal and nonverbal communication are not separate but both verbal and nonverbal signals are sent to the receiver together. It is the receiver who can make a choice on which type of signals he has to focus. However, in general, the receiver focuses on verbal signals and nonverbal signals serve as a support to verbal signals. Verbal communication is the foreground of communication and nonverbal communication is the background of communication. Verbal communication is linguistic and nonverbal communication is nonlinguistic in nature.

Stylistics of Communication

Every individual has his own and unique style of communication. It is called stylistics of communication. Verbal and nonverbal both types of signals are mixed with the stylistics of communication before they are finally delivered to the receiver. The effect of style can be experienced in written communication. Many of the authors are known for their style in writing. 

Media Communication

With the advancements in science and technology we have developed some other means of communication like radio, TV, internet, phones / cellphones, newspapers, magazines, journals and different periodicals. All these means of communication are known as media communication or multimedia communication. Multimedia communication may be divided into two categories:-

1. Electronic Media:- Radio, TV, internet, phones / cellphones and social media are known as electronic media.

2. Print Media:- Newspapers, magazines, journals and different periodicals are known as print media.


1. Define verbal communication and describe all its forms.
2. Define nonverbal communication and describe all its forms.
3. What is oral communication? Describe its importance.
4. What is written communication? What are the advantages of written communication over oral communication?
5. What is multimedia communication? Describe.
6. Write notes on the following:-
(a) Paralanguage
(b) Stylistics of communication
(c) Proxemics
(d) Relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication.


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RGPV BTech English First year


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