Technical Description of an Air Cooler (Unit four)

 Technical Description of an Air Cooler

An air cooler is a domestic appliance used for cooling the air of the room in summer season. It utilizes water vapour to cool the atmosphere of the room. The air inside the cooler is cooled by water circulation through the grass pads on its body and the cooled air of the cooler is driven out into the atmosphere by a cooler fan or an exhaust fan.

Different types of coolers made of steel sheet or plastic fibre are available in the market. These coolers may be divided into the following two categories:-

Room Cooler

A room cooler is made of steel sheet or plastic fibre. (People prefer plastic fibre now for safety reasons.) It looks like an upright box having a cooler fan or an exhaust fan on its front face and three screens on the remaining faces. The three screens have grass pads of khus grass or plastic fiber for soaking water. It has a storage tank for water at its bottom and a dispenser tank on its top. The dispenser tank may be closed by a lid or sometimes it does not have any such lid. The storage tank has a water pump at the bottom or a submersible water pump submerged in the water of the tank. The water pump pumps the water of the tank through a plastic tube on to the dispenser tank.

The dispenser tank has perforations placed just over the three screens. The water of dispenser tank falls on the three screens and trickles down into the storage tank after moistening the grass pads. The extra water of the dispenser tank may flow through another plastic tube into the storage. The soaked grass pads evaporate water vapor and cool down the air inside the cooler, which is driven into the atmosphere of the room by a cooler fan or an exhaust fan. The room cooler has wheels at the bottom, which make it portable to any room of the home.

Window Cooler

A window cooler is very much similar to a room cooler. The difference is that it is mounted on the window of the room and it provides better cooling effect than a room cooler because it gets dry air from the atmosphere.

It does not have wheels at the bottom. Besides this, it does not have a dispenser tank but a dispenser tube instead of it. The dispenser tube is placed over the three screens. It has perforations for dispensing the water on the screens.

An air cooler comes cheaper than an AC. However, it fails during rainy season due to high level of humidity.


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Technical Description B.Tech First Year Unit 4 


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