Sample Recommendation Report (Unit four)

Here is a sample recommendation report for you. I will present you an example with help of which you can write a recommendation report. Remember that this report has been written from the examination point of view. From the point of view only the following elements are important. They are:-

1.Title Page

2. Introduction

3. Discussion / Description

4. Conclusions

5. Recommendation

All other elements are not written. All the elements are written when we write report for practical purposes.

Sample Recommendation Report

Q. You are Rajesh Ahuja The Sales Manager in Ratna Soaps and Detergent Ltd Jabalpur. A product of your company i.e. Ratna detergent soap has experienced decline in sale. You have been asked by your MD Dr. Ramesh Saraswat to prepare a report on the reasons behind this decline in the sale of the detergent soap. Provide your recommendation to boost the sale.


Title Page



The Background

Ratna Soaps and Detergent Pvt. Ltd. Jabalpur (MP) is a soap and detergent manufacturing company. It has strong presence in Central India with its production plant at Jabalpur. It produces a bathing soap, a detergent soap and a detergent washing powder. Its detergent and soaps are sold in MP Maharashtra and UP.  All its products are very popular.

Recently a decline was experienced in the sale of its detergent soap. Our Managing Director Shree Ramesh Saraswat wanted to know the reason behind the decline in the sale of this detergent soap. So he asked me to prepare a report exposing the reasons behind this decline in the sale of this detergent soap being sold by the brand name of Ratna Detergent Soap.

Thanks and Acknowledgement

I am very much thankful to Our Managing Director Shree Ramesh Saraswat who found me capable enough to prepare this report.

I am thankful to the Redline Marketing Company who did the survey for us.

I am thankful to the following members who were my team in the preparation of this report.

1. Mr. Ravi Malhotra The Assistant Sales Manager

2. Miss. Chhaya Mishra Chief Marketing Engineer

3. Mr. Anuj Mishra Marketing Engineer MP

4. Mr. Rajesh Javlekar Marketing Engineer Maharashtra

5. Mr. Gajendra Singh Bhadauria Marketing Engineer UP

6. Miss. Suneeti Gupta Office Assistant

7. Mr. Rajendra Rajput Office Assistant

The Methodology to probe into the Decline in the Sale of Ratna Detergent Soap

I hereby plan to base my probe on the following steps:-

1. Random Sample Collection from the customers based on questionnaire done by Redline Marketing Company for us.

2. Interviews of some customers randomly selected from both urban and rural areas done by Redline Marketing Company for us.

3. Study of the answers of questions asked in the questionnaire.

4. Study of the interviews of some customers randomly selected from both urban and rural areas.

5. Conclusions arising from No 3 and 4.

6. Recommendations


Step 1:- On 15 Nov 2013, I got the completely answered questionnaires as per the survey done by the Redline Marketing Company for us. Besides this, the Redline Marketing Company also provided us the CDs and written scripts of the interviews of some customers randomly selected from both urban and rural areas.

 [Note- The CDs of scanned copies of completely answered questionnaires, and the CD’s of written scripts of the interviews of some customers randomly selected from both urban and rural areas are available in Appendix 1 and 2]

Step 2:- Our team thoroughly studied the completely answered questionnaires and written scripts of the interviews of some customers randomly selected from both urban and rural areas and summarized the opinion of the customer and recorded it.


Step 5:-

After the study of the completely answered questionnaires and written scripts of the interviews of some customers randomly selected from both urban and rural areas by our team, we reached the following conclusions unanimously:-

  1. The Ratna Detergent Soap harmed the hands if some one washed clothes for a long time..
  2. The customer had special attraction for a blue colored detergent soap. The colour of Ratna Detergent Soap is green. Customers are not initially attracted to this colour.
  3. The packing too is less attractive in comparison to other rival detergent soaps.
  4. There is a problem of supply in the villages of MP.


Our team unanimously agrees to put forward the following recommendations:-

  1. The detergent used in the soap must be a mild one with better washing capabilities. We recommend Santo Detergent from Germany. It is slightly costlier but it is of a very good quality. Although it will increase some cost but it will improve the demand of the soap because it will not harm the hands of a user.
  2. Since most of the famous detergent soaps have blue colour, we recommend blue colour for our detergent soap also.
  3. Our packing can be made more attractive at the same cost. We can make it very similar to that of our bath soap.
  4. We have decided to rearrange our supply chain of MP
  5. We recommend to use a scent for our Ratna Detergent Soap. It will give the soap a sweet odor. It will increase its sale.

I hope that if the above recommendations are followed, Ratna Detergent Soap will get a boost in its sale.


Rajesh Ahuja

The Sales manager

22 Dec 2013


 Report Definition and Importance

Types of Reports

Structure/Layout of a Report

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RGPV  B.Tech English First Year Unit 4 Sample Reports


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