RGPV BTech First Year English Important Questions

  Important Questions

English for Communication 

Expected Questions for English for Communication- 

BT 103

Please note that these are most important questions from questions that are asked in every semester. If you prepare the answers of these questions, you can be rest assured that you will possibly solve 75 percent paper.

1. Write the technical description of the following: - personal computer, mobile phone, refrigerator,  pen, air cooler, electric iron, washing machine, food processor, ATM, calculator and Lathe Machine.

2. Write an application letter for job.

3.What guidelines would you prescribe for writing a good résumé? 

4. Write a letter inviting quotation.

5. Write a letter sending quotation.

6. Write a letter placing the order.

7. Write a letter of complaint.

8. Write the structure and lay out of a business letter.

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing E-mail? Highlight writing techniques required to draft a professional E-mail

10.What is a tender notice? Describe.

11.Write a sample tender notice. Invent necessary details by yourself.

12. How does a tender notice differ from a letter inviting quotation?

13. Define definition. What are the elements of definition?

14. What are different types of definitions used in technical communication? Explain.

15. What is communication? Define and describe the process of communication.

16. What are different kinds of communication? Describe in brief.

17. What is verbal communication? Describe the forms of verbal communication.

18. What is nonverbal communication? Describe all its elements.

19. What is a barrier to communication? Describe different kinds of barriers to communication.

20. What are psychological barriers to communication? Describe.

21. How can we overcome the barriers to communication? Describe.

22.What are the 7 C’s of communication? Describe.

23.What is a report? Define and describe different kinds of reports.

24.Describe the structure and layout of report. 

25. Assume that you are the Sales Manager of Ratna Soaps and Detergents Ltd Bhopal. Recently a decline in the sale of your products has been observed.

Write a recommendation report.

  1. Write notes on the following:-

  1. Feedback

  2. Encoding and decoding

  3. Technical communication

  4. You psychology

  5. Grapevine

  6. Coded/ sign language

  7. Postscript                                 

  8. Enclosure

Unit wise Important Questions

Unit 3

1. What is communication? Define and describe the process of communication.

2. What are different kinds of communication? Describe in brief.

3. What is verbal communication? Describe the forms of verbal communication.

4. What is nonverbal communication? Describe all its elements.

5. What is a barrier to communication? Describe different kinds of barriers to communication.

6. What are psychological barriers to communication? Describe.

7. How can we overcome the barriers to communication? Describe.

8. What are the 7 C’s of communication? Describe.

9. Write notes on the following:-

I. Feedback

II. Encoding and decoding

III. Grapevine

IV. Coded/ sign language

V. Gesture

VI. Posture

VII. Haptics

VIII.  Chronemics

IX. Paralanguage

X. Kinesics

XI. Artifacts

XII. Proxemics

XIII. Allness in communication

XIV. Know it all attitude

Unit 4

1. Write the technical description of the following: - personal computer, mobile phone, refrigerator, pen, air cooler, electric iron, washing machine, food processor, ATM, calculator and Lathe Machine.

2. Define definition. What are the elements of definition?

3. What are different types of definitions used in technical communication? Explain.

4. What is a report? Define and describe different kinds of reports.

5. Describe the structure and layout of report. 

6. Write a recommendation report.

7. What is technical communication? Describe various features of technical communication.

8. Assume that you are the Sales Manager of Ratna Soaps and Detergents Ltd Bhopal. Recently a decline in the sale of your products has been observed. Write a recommendation report to boost the sale.

9. Write a report of trouble. (Invent necessary details by yourself)

10. Write a progress report. (Invent necessary details by yourself)

11. What is a precis? Describe the features of a good precis.

12. Describe prefatory elements of report.

13. Describe supplemental elements of report.

14. Describe main body elements of report.

15. What are different elements of a paragraph? Describe.

16. Describe different steps to prepare a document.

17. Write notes on the following: -

I. You psychology

II. Bibliography

III. Index

IV. Appendix

Unit 5

1. Write an application letter for job.

2. What guidelines would you prescribe for writing a good résumé? 

3. Write a letter inviting quotation.

4. Write a letter sending quotation.

5. Write a letter placing the order.

6. Write a letter of complaint.

7. Write the structure and lay out of a business letter.

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing E-mail? Highlight writing techniques required to draft a professional E-mail

9. What is a tender notice? Describe.

10. Write the importance of email.

11. Write a sample tender notice. Invent necessary details by yourself. 

12. How does a tender notice differ from a letter inviting quotation?

13. Write notes on the following: -

i. Postscript                                 

ii. Enclosure

iii. Letter Head

iv. Reference

v. Identification marks

Important Questions For Viva Voce

English for Communication 

Expected Questions for English for Communication- 

BT 103

The following questions are important for viva voce and they may come in the main examinations also. You must prepare them.

Unit 2

1. What is an affix?

Ans.: An affix is a stem that changes the meaning of a word if it is attached in the beginning or end of a word.

2. What is a prefix?

Ans.: A prefix is a stem that is attached to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

3. What is a suffix?

Ans.: A suffix is a stem that is attached to the end of a word to change its meaning.

4. What is a homonym?

Ans.: A homonym is a word which has same spelling and pronunciation but has a different meaning. eg. Bank = The place where money is deposited, and Bank= side of a river.

5. What is homophone?

Ans.: A homophone is a word that pronounced similarly to another word but it has a different spelling and meaning. eg. won and one.

6. What is a dictionary?

Ans.: A dictionary is an alphabetically arranged compilation of words explaining the meaning and use of words.

7. What is a thesaurus?

Ans.: A thesaurus is an alphabetically arranged compilation of words giving synonyms and antonyms of the words.

Unit 3

1. What is communication?

Ans.: Communication involves exchange of information between two or more persons.

2. What is gesture?

Ans.: Gesture is movement / status of hands / body parts during communication.

3. What is posture?

Ans.: Posture is how we sit or stand.

4. What is encoding?

Ans.: Encoding or coding is conversion of ideas into a language.

5. What is decoding?

Ans.: Decoding is conversion of language into ideas.

6. What is feedback or response ?

Ans.: Feedback or response is the response from the receiver indicating that he has understood the information sent by the sender.

7. What is a channel?

Ans.: A channel is the medium though which the message reaches the receiver.

8. What is message?

Ans.: Message is an idea or a set of ideas that the sender wants to share with the receiver in one go.

9. What is verbal communication?

Ans.: Verbal communication a set of speech sounds produced by our speech organs that can be written also.

10. What is nonverbal communication?

Ans.: Nonverbal communication is a the set of body language signals that our body exhibits during face to face communication. e.g. facial expression, gesture, posture, nodding etc.

11. What is oral communication?

Ans.: Oral communication is the set of speech sounds produced by our speech organs and which are received by our auditory organs.

12. What is Written communication?

Ans.: Written communication is the conversion of oral communication into a written form using a writing script.

13. What is a barrier to communication?

Ans.: A barrier to communication is an obstacle that prevents the information from reaching the receiver.

14. What is a physical barrier to communication?

Ans.: A physical barrier to communication is an obstacle against communication that is present in the atmosphere beyond the mind.

Unit 4

1. What is definition of definition?

Ans.: A definition is a concise statement about the most prominent features of an object or an idea.

2. What is a précis?

Ans.: A précis is a brief summary involving compression of ideas in a smaller frame.

3. What is technical communication?

Ans.: Technical communication a specific communication with a specific purpose for a specific audience.


Technical communication is the communication done by technical people on technical subjects.

4. What is a parenthetical definition?

Ans.: A Parenthetical Definition is a definition given in parentheses.

5. What is a Sentence Definition?

Ans.: A Sentence Definition is the definition given in a sentence having three elements the term, the classification and the differentiation.

6. What is an Extended Definition?

Ans.: An Extended Definition is the definition given in a paragraph, in several paragraphs or in a page or in several pages.

7. What is a progress report?

Ans.: A progress report is information about the progress of any work.

8. What is an inventory report?

Ans.: An inventory report is a report on the things possessed by any department of an organization.

9. What is a confidential report on employees?

Ans.: A confidential report reveals the performance of an employee.

10. What is copyright notice?

Ans.: A copyright notice is a notice that is printed as a prefatory element of a book or a report to prevent unauthorized copying of the information.

11. What is frontispiece?

Ans.: A frontispiece is used as a prefatory element in a book or report to display attractive photographs or drawings to increase the curiosity of the reader.

12. What is the function of introduction in a report?

Ans.: The function of introduction in a report is to inform the reader about the background of the report, how the data is to be collected and how it will be processed and how it will help reach certain conclusion.

13. What is acknowledgements?

Ans.: Acknowledgements is a prefatory element in a report or a book aiming at thanking all the people and organizations whose support was taken in the preparation of the report/book.

14. What is the table of content?

Ans.: A table of content is used as a prefatory elements is a report or a book to display page number of each chapter and subchapter.

15. What is list of illustrations?

Ans.: A list of illustration is used as a prefatory elements is a report or a book to display page number of each illustration of the report or book.

16. What is a forwarding letter?

Ans.: A forwarding letter is the letter which authorizes the author to write a report.

17. What is a preface?

Ans.: A preface is author's own opinion about his work or report.

18. What is an abstract in a report?

Ans.: An abstract in a report introduces the report in not more than 200 words.

19. What is the discussion or description of a report?

Ans.: The discussion or description of a report is the main body of the report explaining the real business of the report.

20. What is the conclusion of the report?

Ans.: A report reaches its conclusion in its conclusion part.

21. What is the recommendation section of a report?

Ans.: The recommendation section of a report contains recommendation as a solution to the problem on which report has been written.

22. What is the function of appendix in a report?

Ans. The information that may be an obstacle in the flow of thought is shifted to the appendix of the report.

23. What is the list of references in a report?

Ans.: The list of references mentions all the books and their authors that are quoted in the report.

24. What is bibliography?

Ans. A bibliography mentions all the books and their authors whose information the author of a report uses in the preparation of the report.

25. What is a jargon?

Ans.: A jargon is a scientific/ technological term having a special meaning which may be difficult for a nontechnical person.

26. What is a glossary?

Ans.: A glossary is an alphabetically arranged list of technical jargons which are explained to help the audience.

27. What is an index in a report?

Ans.: An index is an alphabetically arranged list of important words, persons and theories locating the pages where they are discussed.

Unit 5

1. What is return address?

Ans.: Return address is sender's address.

2. What is salutation?

Ans.: Salutation is respectful beginning of the letter.

3. What is inside address?

Ans.: Inside Address is the receiver's address.

4. What is complimentary close?

Ans.: Complimentary close is respectful ending of the letter.

5. What is enclosure?

Ans.: Enclosure is the list of documents / papers which are being sent with the letter.

6. What is a report?

Ans.: A report is information about something.

7. What is a cover letter?

Ans.: A cover letter is application which precedes a résumé/CV.

8. What is courtesy copy?

Ans.: Courtesy copy is a copy of a letter sent to a different address.

9. What is CC?

Ans.: CC is courtesy copy or a carbon copy of a letter.

10 What is a reference number of a letter?

Ans.: A reference number of a letter is unique identity of a letter.

11. What is attention line?

Ans.: Attention line is the name of person who has to take action on the letter.

12. What is postscript?

Ans.: Postscript is the information that could not be mentioned in the letter but is mentioned at the end of the letter.

13. What is a résumé?

Ans.: A résumé is a document about a person containing information most relevant to a job.

Viva Questions on Self Introduction and Other Topics

 Question; - Introduce yourself.


A very pleasant good afternoon to all of you

I am Satish Pandey, son of Mr. Surya Pratap Pandey and Mrs. Sumitra Pandey.

My father is a businessman. My mother is a housewife. There are five members in my family. I have one brother and one sister. I am an Indian. I live in Satna.

Satna is a good and fast developing city. Life here is complex. People are busy.

It has different colleges and schools.

Now I would like to tell you about my educational background. Presently I am in VITS College, Satna. I joined this institution because this is the best institution in Satna. I got 100 marks in PET. I am in B.E. in CS branch. I passed 12th examination with 80% marks from St. Michael’s Senior Secondary School, Satna.

I passed 10th standard with 85% from the same school. My hobbies are playing cricket, watching movies and chatting. My strength is my hard-work and honesty.

My weakness is my nervousness. My motto of life is to live and let others live.

My ambition is to become a successful engineer.



Thank you all.


Question; - Tell me about your family. Or Speak about your family.


A very pleasant good afternoon to one and all present over here.

Today I am here to give a presentation on my family. My name is Abhishek Singh. I belong to a nuclear family. There are five members in my family. We live in Satna. My father’s name is Mr. Raj Bhan Singh. He is a businessman. My mother’s name is Mrs. Priya Singh. She is a house wife. I have one elder brother and one elder sister. My elder brother’s name is Mr. Chandan Singh. He has completed B.E. from VITS College, Satna. My elder sister’s name is Miss Asha Singh. She is doing B.Sc. from Govt. Girls College Satna. I am the youngest one and I am doing B.E. form VITS College Satna. My family is my strength. We all love each other. We live like friends so that we can share everything with each other. I love my family and I am proud to be part of such family. This was all about my family. Thank you.

 Question; - Speak about your country.


A very good afternoon to all here.

The name of my country is India. In Hindi, we call it Bharat or HindustanIndia is a country of unity in diversity. People of different religions like Hindu, Muslim, Sikhs, Christians live here. People celebrate different kinds of festivals together. We all enjoy our unique cultures, customs and traditions. In every part of India people speak different languages and wear different costumes. India was a golden bird before independence. India got independence on 15th August, 1947 and become republic on 26th January, 1950. I am proud of a large number of great men who were born in India and glorified our country and who even sacrificed their lives for Bharat Mata.  India is the largest democratic country in the world and population wise second largest country in the world.  People enjoy their rights in the democratic type of government. India is the biggest attraction point for the tourists from all over the world. There are many more things to speak about India. It was all about it in short. Finally, I would like to say that I love my India and I am proud to be an Indian. Thank you all for listening to me with patience.

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