Prefixes and Suffixes (Unit two)


Prefixes and Suffixes

Affixes are the stems that are used either before or after a root word to change the meaning of a word e.g. un+ happy= unhappy and move+ment = movement

Prefixes and Suffixes

A prefix is a stem that is used before a root word that changes its meaning e.g.

dis+honest= dishonest

A suffix is a stem that is used at the end of a root word that changes its meaning. e.g.

happy+ness= happiness


Negative prefixes (Making Opposite Words/Antonyms

  • In 

Insufficient, insane, invalid, inappropriate

  • Un 

Unemployment, unproductive, unadvisable, unhappiness

  • im 

impolite, improper, imperfect, impious

  • ir   irregular, irrational, irretrievable, irrevocable

  • anti 

antinational, anticlockwise, antidote, antisocial, antiseptic, antibody

  • dis 

disable, disagree, disappear, disappoint, dislike,

  • de 

debug, defog, deselect, decode, detoxify

  • mis 

Misbehave, miscalculate, misfortune, misfit, misspell, misunderstand,

mislead, misinform

More Prefixes

  • Ante-(before) antenatal, anteroom, antedate

  • Circum- (around) circumstance, circumvent, circumnavigate

  • co- (with) co-worker, co-pilot, co-operation

  • em-, en- (cause to, put into) embrace, encode, embed, enclose, engulf

  • epi- (upon, close to, after) epicentre, episcope, epidermis

  • Over ( more than required) overconfident, overwork, overpay, overdue, overact 

  • Under ( Less than required) Unerestimate, underweight, underrate, underpay

  • Trans ( across/ to the other side) Transform, transport, transmigrate, transfuse

  • Auto ( self working) automatic, autodebit, autocredit, autostart, autoimmune

  • Pre ( Before) Prepay, Prepone, Prerequisite, Preload

  • Post ( afer) Postpay, Postgraduate, Postpone, postscript

  • Inter (Between / among) Interclass, interschool, interrelations, international

  • Semi ( half) semifinal, semicircle, semiformal, semiconductor

  • Sub ( below/ beneath) submarine, subside, subdue, subsoil

  • Super ( above, beyond) superimpose, supernatural supersede, supervise, superfast


  • acy – (state or quality) democracy, accuracy, lunacy

  • -al – (the action or process of) remedial, denial, trial, criminal

  • -ance, -ence (state or quality of) nuisance, ambience, tolerance

  • -dom (place or state of being) freedom, stardom, boredom

  • -er, -or (person or object that does a specified action) reader, creator, interpreter, inventor, collaborator, teacher

  • -ism (doctrine, belief) Judaism, scepticism, escapism

  • ist (person or object that does a specified action)  Geologist, protagonist, sexist, scientist, theorist, communist

  • -ity, -ty (quality of) extremity, validity, enormity

  • -ment (condition) enchantment, argument

  • -ness (state of being) heaviness, highness, sickness

  • -ship (position held) friendship, hardship, internship

  • -sion, -tion (state of being) position, promotion, cohesion

  • -ate (become) mediate, collaborate, create

  • -en (become) sharpen, strengthen, loosen

  • -ify, -fy (make or become) justify, simplify, magnify, satisfy

  • -ise, -ize (become) publicise, synthesise, hypnotise


A synonym is word similar in meaning. e.g. Synonyms of "good" = fine, nice, excellent, acceptable, satisfactory, decent 

Remember that English synonyms may not be hundred percent similar. Some similarity too qualifies a word to be considered a synonym. 


An Antonym is a word that gives opposite meaning. e.g. antonyms of "good" = bad, wicked, unacceptable, indecent, foul


Homonyms are distinct words but they have the same form. in other words when a word has two or more meanings, all of them are said to be homonyms. e.g.

Bank = the place where money is deposited.

Bank = the side of a river. 

Bat = An equipment to hit the ball.

Bat = A mammal that can fly

Cricket = a game 

Cricket + an insect


Homophones are distinct words but pronounced alike .

two and too.

eight and ate

son and sun

one and won

Introduction to dictionary

A dictionary is a compilation of words in alphabetical order to show the different meanings of a word along with its uses, pronunciation and grammar. Since all the words are alphabetically compiled. a reader can easily find the word for which he wants to consult the dictionary. 

A dictionary provides its readers:-
1. Grammar of the word:- The dictionary labels the word as noun, pronoun, or adjective or any other parts of speech. 
2. Pronunciation of the word:- The pronunciation of the word is generally written in Phonetic Transcription which gives correct pronunciation of the word. A dictionary also mentions how the word is pronounced in American English or British English.
3. Meaning of the word:- Dictionary provides all the meanings of a word in which it is used. 
4. Use of a word:- The dictionary provides examples sentences so that its use along with its idiomatic use may be clear to the reader. 
5. Idioms:- If the word is an idiom, its meaning and use is explained. If an idiom is a set of word, then also its meaning and use is explained.
6. Phrasal Verbs:- Phrasal verbs are also explained by giving their meaning and use. 
7. Prefixes and Suffixes:- If the word is a prefix or a suffix, it is labeled as Prefix or Suffix and its meaning is explained. 
8. Collocations:- By using in sentences, the collocation groups too are explained. Some dictionaries use vignettes to explain the collocations.  


A thesaurus is a compilation of words like a dictionary in the terms of the synonyms and antonyms of words. It is very useful in increasing vocabulary.



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