Technical Description (Methodology) (Unit four)


Technical Description

The competence of technical description is essential to an engineer especially for report writing, technical proposal / problem and various other routine works that they have to carry out. An engineer has to report various technical issues to his seniors therefore he must be well-versed in technical description. Apart from command over language, it requires the skill of succinct statement and exposition, and ability to analyze and perceive relationships among elements, objects, concepts etc. In short, for technical description too, we need transactional writing style.

Methodology of Technical Description

It is in fact not possible to formulate the process of technical description. However, the following formula may be helpful for technical description.

You may choose to move according to the following 3D formula.

  1. Define
  2. Describe
  3. Draw

1. Define (Providing definition)

The best way to initiate the description is to define the object you want to describe. Nevertheless, providing definition is not an easy task. Mostly people do not know what the purpose of giving definition is or what definition itself is. So let us define definition first.

Definition of definition

Definition is a concise statement of the most significant aspects / constituents / features of an object or idea.

A definition has three parts namely,

1.   The Term

The term is a word or phrase conveying precise, limited meaning in the context in which it is used.

2.   Classification

Classification refers to the class to which the item represented by the term belongs.

3.     Differentiation

Differentiation indicates the way the item is different from other items in the class.

Examine the following definition:-

“A computer is an electronic machine that works with numbers, words, images, and soft wares or a combination of these, produce and modify them and give out the required data output.”

In this definition, ‘computer’ is the term, ‘electronic machine’ is the class, and rest of the statement is the differentiation.

For a complete description of a computer, the definition will follow an account of the various constituents of a computer and their function.

For an appropriate definition, keep the following points in your mind:-

(i)                 Use simple words – the words those themselves do not need to be defined.

(ii)               Ensure that your definition is comprehensible from the reader’s point of view.

(iii)             To the extent possible, avoid using abstract words.

(iv)             Sometimes telling what it is not may also prove helpful.

(v)               Some definitions can be constructed by stating the origin, cause or effect.

Classification is helpful both for definition and for description. Similarly, differentiation may be needed for all the three activities, definition, classification and description.

For classification you may keep the following points in your mind:-

(i)                 State exactly the name of the item you are classifying, defining if necessary.

(ii)               Indicate clearly the basis of your classification, such as size, function, nature etc.

(iii)             Label the classes into which you categorize your item.

(iv)             Describe briefly the common features of items placed in each class.

Now, I am sure you can provide right definition to the object whose technical description you want to write. Thus, writing definition is the first step. When you have provided the right correct definition, first D of your 3D formula is complete. Now you have to move on to the second D that is Describe.

2.   Describe

(i)             Outer appearance and texture / material of which it is made.
(ii)               Classify or you may classify first and describe the outer appearance / texture material of which is made, later.
(iii)             Its different parts and how they function or the process involved. If any basic principle or theory is involved in the process or theory, describe it.
(iv)             Use your common sense. You can follow any order, provided that the description is precise, concise, comprehensible and appropriate.
(v)               You may take the help of history of the object to make your description interesting, provided that it is brief.
(vi)             You can mention the utility of a machine / equipment and precautions in brief to make it reasonable.

3. Draw. - Provide a neat and labelled diagram of the object.


Technical Description B.Tech First Year Unit 4 


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