Communication ( Unit three)

 Unit 3


What is communication?

Communication involves the transmission of information from one person to another. Alternatively, we may call it the process of sharing information between two or more people.

Linguistic Analysis of the Word "Communication"

The word "communication" has been taken from Latin Words "Communicat" and "Communicare" which mean share information / intelligence and from another word "communis" which means "common."

Definition of Communication

Communication has been defined in many ways. Let us examine some definitions. They are as follows:-

According to Newman and Summer, “It is an exchange of ideas, facts, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.”

According to Glenn & Smith, “Communication is a dynamic process that individuals use to exchange ideas, relate experiences, and share desires through speaking, writing, gestures or sign language”.

According to Allen Louis "Communication is the sum of all the things one person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It is a bridge of meaning. It involves a systematic process of telling, listening and understanding." 

According to MV Roderiques, "Communication can be defined as an exchange and exact replication of thoughts, feelings, facts, beliefs and ideas between and among the individuals through a common system of symbols to cause some actions or change in the behaviour."  

Process of communication

The process of communication is a complex activity. The whole process involves the following five components or elements:-

    1.   Sender
2.   Message
3.   Channel
4.   Receiver
5.   Response / Feedback

Let us discuss all the above components in details to understand the process of communication.

Process of Communication


1. The sender

 The sender has some ideas that he wants to share with the receiver. The ideas are coded into a language in the mind of the sender. The process of converting the ideas into language is called encoding / coding.

2. The message 

The sender then prepares a set of sentence/sentences (message) which is converted into sound waves by our speech organ and launched into air, the medium. 

3. The Channel

The message then travels in the channel (medium) and reaches the mind of receiver through his ears. 

4. The Receiver 

The receiver decodes it back into ideas and understands the message. Converting language into ideas is known as decoding.

5. Feedback / Response 

After decoding and understanding the message, the receiver sends a message to the sender indicating that he has interpreted his message successfully. It is known as feedback or response. It is a set of body language signals or oral response. 

The process of communication always takes place within a common frame of reference which may have semantic gaps also.

The need / importance of communication   

Communication is the core of all the activities an organism performs. It is like life and blood to society. Communication is necessary not only to humans but it is important to all the living beings. Living beings cannot survive without communication. All the private or governmental organizations cannot function for want of communication. A military cannot win a war if its communication is poor. The militaries which had reliable intelligence have always won wars. This is the age computer and internet. The world has been transformed into a global village. People are able to communicate across the globe. There are multinational companies which operate in many countries across the globe. These companies may collapse for want of communication. We need communication for all sorts of works that we perform daily. Lack of communication will affect all our activities.


Short Answer Questions

1. What is communication? Define.

2. Write two definitions of communication.

3. What is feedback in communication?

4. What is encoding and decoding process? 

Long  Answer Questions

1. What is communication? Define and explain the process of communication.

2. Define communication and explain the importance of communication.


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Classification/Kinds of Communication

                                                  Barriers to Communication

RGPV B Tech First Year English Unit 3 Communication



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